We're excited to announce a new partnership forged between www.palegionball.com and Seeds and Starters. Seeds and Starters is a Delaware Valley based company that provides high quality gardening and plant products, as well as landscape design and construction services. You can see their new ad on the right side of the site.
Among the services Seeds and Starters offers are:
Discount high quality local vegetable, fruit, and flower plant seeds
Seedling starter plants in flats and pots
Garden design, construction and consultation
Landscape design, consultation, and construction
Landscape maintenance and upkeep services
Flower, tree, and plant installation and pruning
As part of the ongoing partnership, any order received from a PA Legion Baseball fan will receive a 10% discount and 5% of the purchase price will be donated to the upkeep of this site. Simply mention our site when ordering. You can help us maintain our site, while saving yourself time and money.
Seeds and Starters can be reached at
Thank you for your patronage and your help in keeping this site up and running!